A reminder than we can’t presume, nor should we generalise
A GP shares her story
Today I met an amazing GP. I didn’t know what her position was and how she was feeling about the mess our medical system is in, so, I thought I will ask.. it didn’t take long and she decided to trust me. “I want to read something to you” she said, and started reading to me the above letter on her phone.. While she was reading, she started to cry. I was obviously very moved so we had a good cry together.
I asked her to send me the attachment so I can share it with others. Obviously, doctors are suffering as well, but are afraid to talk. I suggest you talk to your doctor when you go to see them. Ask them how they doing, how they feel, what they think about what is happening in the medical system etc . Maybe you will be surprised by their responses.

My Confession and My Apology
Since the age of nine I wanted to be a Doctor. After a short stay in hospital at this age I was
inspired by my Paediatrician to help people the way he helped me. In my eyes he was an
honourable man who cared for all his patients, it was a sad day when he told me that I was too
old to see him anymore and my care had to be transferred to the adult medical clinic. Looking
back, I think he may have been trying to tell me this for eighteen months! On my graduation I
received a beautiful letter of congratulations and best wishes from him.
My years at Medical School were full of various characters. We had a naughty Anatomy
Professor who taught us cheeky pneumonics to remember branches of the facial nerve for
example. We had an ID Consultant who I diagnosed as having Tourette’s Syndrome - my tutorial
group agreed with me wholeheartedly. And who could forget our wonderful Professor of
Medicine who called us his “children”. I am sad to say he has now passed but he would
certainly be turning in his grave to see what the medical profession has become.
Graduating in the late 90s and being full of nervous enthusiasm I began my house jobs. This
twelve-month period of torture made you or broke you. I thrived. Over the next decade I toiled,
studied and achieved several postgraduate qualifications. My original plan was to become a
General Surgeon. A career that was a lifestyle, a lifestyle I loved. The stress, the challenge- it
was nothing short of awesome. The Boys Club but guess what, as a woman I just dug my heels
in, did my job and earned their respect.
Yes, there was bullying, yes there was harassment but it was the culture. I am not excusing it but it could only be changed when you reach the lofty heights of Consultancy. Change it from the inside! This was the degree of my naivety. The political spectrum was only just beginning. I left this career after ten years because of an epiphany I had one evening. Human dignity, empathy and the patient’s needs are forefront in any treatment scenario. Ego and self-promotion should not have a place when it comes to patient care.
Walking away from my surgical career was a tough decision. I miss the stress; I miss the
adrenaline. I felt a failure as this was where I felt I belonged but looking back it was the right
decision. As a Doctor you are the patient’s advocate, the enlightened surgeon knows when NOT
to operate. And if any surgeons are reading this saying, I am wrong then you need to take a
bloody long hard look at yourself.
I retrained as a GP and my god this is a hard job. I have been a GP in several different roles over
the years but I have worked in numerous different GP practices in Australia over the last 10
years. It has been harrowing, rewarding but most importantly enlightening. As a GP you are the
most trusted advisor, confidant and supposed wealth of information for your cohort of
As a hospital doctor you have a degree of distance- there is a detachment. You may have a
patient in front of you but you don’t know the background. You don’t know that this left iliac
fossa pain is married to an abusive alcoholic. The right upper quadrant pain has just lost his wife
to breast cancer. He thinks the pain is due to liver metastasis because his wife had the same.
Life is complicated. People are complicated. We all have a story but are you willing to listen?
My life’s work is to listen and to try to make a difference. Until two years ago I would have said
yes but life as we know it has changed. And as a profession we have been utilised as puppets to
enforce the “agenda”. The “agenda” of whom? The government? The drug companies? The
billionaire elites? The WEF? God forbid I mention any of that and I am simply a conspiracy
theorist? There are huge forces at play. Money makes the world go round. Money - it is the
most influential religion. Most want it, we all need it. Some have billions and want more.
When is enough, enough?
Drug companies are the least trusted companies, yet we all rolled our sleeves up. We were
injected with mRNA vaccines. New technology. We were advised this is the best treatment. At
NO point did we utilise this pandemic as a good reason to get our health on track.
NO politician, no health director stood up and said “live a healthier lifestyle - improve your diet, let’s eat organic vegetables, hormone and antibiotic free meat, stop smoking, reduce alcohol
consumption, sleep better, get some exercise and reconnect with nature”. Instead, we were
promoted to wear face masks, isolate ourselves, use alcohol hand gels that destroy our healthy
microbiome and have a toxic injection at regular intervals.
I had two Pfizer COVID immunizations due to my professional requirements. I had managed to “dodge” the Pfizer bullet for several months but it came to crunch time. I had been skeptical and to be perfectly honest at times I had been fearful of COVID. The mainstream media on a daily basis
bombarding us with statistics. State statistics - COVID infection numbers, hospital admissions,
ICU admissions, ventilated patient numbers and finally deaths (may they Rest In Peace). One
morning before work as a rural Locum I sat crying in front of the television. Fearful of the day
ahead given the COVID situation. My logical brain shook me out of it BUT I then thought - I am
an educated woman, I am a doctor. If I feel so vulnerable how do my patients feel? The media
barrage has been unstoppable, the guilt “to do the right thing”.
The fallout from the vaccination has been of biblical proportions. I have seen a fit and healthy 40-year-old man develop pericarditis. Another developed severe autoimmune arthritis and the treatment he was prescribed nearly killed him. Another chap developed fulminant heart failure. I have seen young women before they reach 20 develop Coeliac Disease, pericarditis, long COVID. How long I am expected to LIE to these patients? We all know this is wrong. We all know this is killing mankind in the short term. But what about the long term? Only time and accurate reporting will tell.
However, will Big Pharma admit this - I think not.
I personally have experienced COVID immunization side effects. Being a type 1 diabetic my
HbA1c decided to jump to 8.0 despite no change to my rigid diet, my vigorous exercise regimen
or red wine indulgence. My thermoregulation changed too. As a committed gym bunny, I would
attend the gym, beast myself and leave feeling refreshed. Never sticky! After my “doing the
right thing” I was sweating profusely within 5 minutes of commencing my warmup. What has
happened? After further evaluation and discussion with my cohort of patients I concluded it
was my COVID vaccination. My menstrual cycle changed too. Going from 28 days to 24 days
then 14, and then 29 days. It could not make up its mind what the hell it was doing. Feeling
isolated and irked I trudged on. Until a patient mentioned in passing that her periods changed,
and she was unable to explain why! Given my unique position I explored further to find that
numerous patients had suffered the same fate - I will let you draw your own conclusions.
First, do no harm.
The immortal words of The Hippocratic Oath. What harm are we doing? I feel
exploited by SA Health, the Australian Government, the WHO, Big Pharma, the list goes on. I
became a Doctor to make a difference, help people, not make them sick. I feel nothing short of
a legalized drug dealer to push the wares of a greedy kingpin at the top who needs to keep
filling their pockets with cash.
Your local GP.