Magical Deserts
Exotic Urbanism
Misty Mountains
Power resides in the Sovereignty of We The People
What makes the Trumpet of Patriots different to all other political parties is that TOP was forged as a response to the medical tyranny imposed upon us against our will. It is 100% run by everyday Australian's and not career politicians that have failed us for decades.
We didn't come from politics. TOP’s membership comes from all walks of life, including mothers and fathers; employed and unemployed; government and the private sectors; small business owners and middle management; essential workers such as nurses, teachers, police officers, tradies and retail workers…
Most of all, TOP’s members are awake and demonstrate true character standing for freedom and bodily autonomy.
​TOP will help bring positive and lasting transformation to the Australian political landscape.
TOP will not only Make Australia Free Again, it will bring healing to the deliberate divisions created in recent times through the restoration of pride in our national ability as we embrace the Original Australian as well as our diverse multi-culturalism that makes our country vibrant.
Locally, we need to maintain harmony and cleanse Australia of corruption, nepotism and political incompetence that represents the current Australian Government.
Internationally, we want Australia to be recognised as a fair, friendly, responsible and compassionate country and a must-visit destination for tourists.
We stand up to restore and defend the rights and freedoms of the people, because
We ARE the People.
Our TOP Values
Freedom of Speech
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Movement
Freedom of Bodily Autonomy
- Freedom of Self-Determination
- Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Association & Affiliation
Freedom of Choice, Free of Coercion, Threat or Endangerment
Freedom from Surveillance & Government Control
Freedom from persecution
Empowering Equality of Opportunity for ALL Australians
Equal Force to Protect Yourself, the Lawful Use of Self-Defence
The Right to Privacy and Protection of Property
Free and Independent Media and Investigative Journalism
Do you realise the gravity of the political tyranny imposed against the will of the Australian People?
TOP is an acronym for Trumpet of Patriots, however ‘TOP’ places us at the head of the table. Where we lead, others will follow.
As a new political party acting for the best interests of We the People, the Executive understand the mammoth task ahead of us. TOP will be a real political force in the next election provided every member takes on an active role. There is strength in numbers and every contribution counts.
For the upcoming Federal Election it is vital to understand that:
The quality of life and our very lives depend on
a voter backlash to the Liberal-Labor duopoly.
TOP intends to be a major player in this historic Change of Government and restore the rights and freedoms of The People of Australia when we are elected.
To this end every member of TOP needs to do their utmost to lead, to spread the word and to assist in raising the profile of TOP candidates in their local electorate.
TOP needs your help urgently and your on-going support in so many ways. TOP appreciates every members contribution in time, skills, service and money.
We are all ordinary people living in extraordinary times and understand “If not me, who? If not now, when?”
The critical criteria for assisting Our Movement is not: ‘Experience in politics’. The critical criteria is: ‘How willing you are to make a difference’.
We expect that you have heard these two adages before:
“Put a little bit in..... Get a little bit out. Put a lot in.... Get a lot out!”
“Do the thing and you will be given the power to do the thing.”